Monday, May 25, 2015

Leading Actor 2003

An interesting year with well known nominees and some controversy as to the outcome. I've got 2 I haven't seen so we will see if that sways me from the Academy's choice.

2003 Best Actor

Sean Penn - Mystic River

When I think of this performance, the first thing I think of (besides it beating out Depp and Murray) are the scenes where Penn is screaming in a Boston accent about his daughter. It's been made fun of a lot and is just so unintentionally hilarious to me. Which of course drains any emotional impact from those scenes. I don't really like Penn anyway and in this film his character isn't entirely likeable, either. You could say it's Penn just playing Penn because throughout the entire film, he plays his grieving, revenge seeking father with such an anger and seething hatred that's just below the surface. The character and film call for that persona but it's almost like you have to remind yourself it's not really asshole Penn but instead actor Penn. There are parts where the role can be a bit showy like in the aforementioned screaming about his daughter scene and towards the end when he wants what he thinks is the truth. Penn is definitely good enough to not make those moments so hokey (even though I do find the one funny, but that's on me) and he gives it the Oscar vibe. It's clear why the Academy would go for this performance but if they actually should have is another question entirely. I know it seems the Academy loves him and it seems like one of those times where they just want to reward someone no matter what. Plus, they seem to really love Clint Eastwood films. Like a lot. So it also has that factor. Penn is good at the controlled anger thing in this role, though, and gives a worthy enough performance I suppose. If I liked him as a person more, I might try and throw more weight behind this decision. But sometimes bloggers can be petty. A solid enough performance that I'm hoping to dethrone.

Johnny Depp - The Pirates of the Carribbean

These are the kinds of performances that make you love Johnny Depp. All of his vibrantly weird, fantastical roles like this just highlight why he's so well liked and just so damn good. Who would have a thought a movie about a pirate themed ride at Disney World would 1) be so entertaining and good and 2) produce one of the most memorable movie characters ever. Yes, EVER. That's what Depp does with his charmingly boozy Jack Sparrow. He creates not just a character but also a cultural icon. I took a vacation to Key West a couple years ago and along with your usual street performers was a guy portraying Jack Sparrow. It's a character that has resonated with the public and is frankly just a lot of fun to watch. Depp has a great sense of comedic timing, makes the most out of his one liners, and gives a performance that is just a ton of fun to watch over and over. And part of what makes it so great and iconic is that it's so very obvious that Depp had as much fun playing Sparrow as we do watching him. That love of the character is infectious. I think you'd be hard pressed to find many people who don't like Sparrow. Maybe the subsequent movies send it into overkill, but this movie on it's own really shows why it is so great. I'm glad the Academy was able to reward a comedic role because Lord knows they like to take themselves too seriously most of the time. If this would have won, it might have been the single greatest win in Oscar history just for the sheer ridiculousness of it!

Ben Kingsley - House of Sand and Fog

So one thing I've noticed about Ben Kingsley performances is that I love them. He plays all kinds of characters and does a great job in maintaining that hero worship. When it comes to this movie, Kingsley provides a performance that is way too good for the actual role/movie. I mean, this isn't a great or even good movie. I don't know how anyone couldn't cheer for Kingsley as the humbled patriarch learning again to provide for his family. He was used to a certain way of life and is determined to get them back there. It doesn't matter that he is a former Col. in the Iranian military. No one cares when you start a new life. But Ben is determined to make it as an American. That's noble but he runs into Jennifer Connelly's irresponsible bitch (which is really the only word that describes her for me) of a woman. There's literally no reason to root for Connelly or her dumb cop puppet. This makes it seem that Kingsley's role is a joke but it's not. He's trying to achieve that American dream which can be looked down upon if you're not the right demographic or minority. It's the work of an actor that knows his craft and is going to give a great performance no matter what the script calls for. What you can say about Kingsley is that he is steady all the way through this film. He IS the ex-Iranian Colonel. The big shock at the end is his Oscar moment. I really like Kingsley's performance here because even for someone who has an Oscar, it shows that actors can still care about giving great performances....even in uninspiring movies. This role is heartbreaking and we go on that journey with him. It's an interesting ride.

Jude Law - Cold Mountain

This was a very intriguing film. I was definitely interested in it because of what I'd heard about it before hand and because it's my first Anthony Minghella film, who passed away before his star was up. Minghella also directed The English Patient so I was curious as to how this would go in light of that film. There was no reason to dread it and Jude Law delivers a solid performance. He is a southerner who falls in love with Nicole Kidman's character at first sight but then the Civil War happens and he goes off to fight and is wounded and then spends the film making his way back to her as a deserter in this sort of vague vignette style. I will say that I didn't care for Jude's American accent a lot of the time, it did kind of annoy me but that's a minor quibble. I don't think there is much I can say that is negative about this performance. It's strong, yes, but it also was up against Depp, Penn, Murray and even Kingsley. It might be rated the 5th out of 5 but that makes it seem like Law did an awful job or something which is not true! I liked it but this was just an abnormally strong year for actors. He met the look and physical standards of appearing in a Civil War film and there was no awful love story for him to get embroiled in (yes I know it's about him being in love with Kidman but it never becomes melodramatic or eye rollingly dumb for me). It was just a straightforward piece about returning to your love from the battlefield. I'm also not going to go out of the way to offer up a ton of superlatives for this performance. It's a solid piece of acting but there was better this year. This is where the nomination is the reward.

Bill Murray - Lost in Translation

Bill Fucking Murray. This was supposed to be HIS Oscar. The hype was real and it seemed like most people wanted him to win. Then Sean Penn came in and ruined it like usual. It's a very quiet performance, especially since we are used to seeing Murray in some very over the top comedies. This performance is an excellent departure from that and he really delivers a thoughtful, impactful character. He plays a man that is stuck where he is in life and is resigned to a future he doesn't seem to want. A middle aged man now doing Japanese commercials instead of movies, with a wife who keeps bugging him about a house they are building or remodeling, kids he doesn't seem all that interested in. He just trudges along through life. He meets Johansson's character and she stirs something up within him. He's got more of a purpose and is able to enjoy himself more. That transition is done extremely well by Murray. We can feel his loneliness and pain of being stuck in life, but he's not ready to give up. This role was one that felt like Murray decided to push all his chips in and gamble on taking home that Oscar gold. I think it's a tremendous performance, especially in it's subtlety and lack of showiness. It feels real and that's due to Murray's amazing job. I think if it had been a bit more showy, it might have wowed the voters more, unfortunately. But this is a strong effort by Murray and one I wish was rewarded.

A strong group for this category as per the usual. Watching through all these performances, I'm still mad that Penn won here. It is just way too baity for my taste. Plus, you've got some really great performances from Depp and Murray that should have absolutely been rewarded. Law and Kingsley are there to fill out the rest and the nomination is the reward for them. But between Depp and Murray is an extremely hard choice for me. I want Murray to have his Oscar and I think Depp gave the most memorable and iconic performance of the year. I'll give this one to Depp because I just love that character so much, but Murray is only edged out by a sliver.

Oscar Winner: Sean Penn - Mystic River
My Winner:   Johnny Depp - The Pirates of the Caribbean
Bill Murray
Sean Penn
Ben Kingsley
Jude Law

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