Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Supporting Actress 1982

I both like and dislike when this category has nominees from films that have multiple nominations that I get to review. On one hand, it kinda makes the year go by quicker knowing that each of these films has at least two or more reviews attached to them. Finish this category and you've finished a bunch of other reviews, too. On the other hand, it's kinda nice to ease into a year with a one off nominee from a little film, almost like a break after closing out the year after which usually means watching the last film I probably didn't want to watch or had the most nominees or something. Anyway, both are fine I guess and I'm ready to dive in. I've seen Tootsie before but I don't remember the actual ladies from it and haven't seen any of the others.

1982 Best Supporting Actress

Jessica Lange - Tootsie

Well, the obvious thing here is this is Lange's consolation prize, so to speak. She wasn't winning Best Actress from Meryl for what some consider to be one of the best performances ever. Tootsie was well received and Lange was the lead in that film so naturally the Academy put her in Supporting to reward her because, well, Academy things. But seriously, Lange is the lead actress of Tootsie so this is very obvious category fraud. And admittedly Lange is pretty good in the role. You certainly remember her as Hoffman's love interest. She is an actress on a soap opera who gravitates towards Hoffman's Dorothy Michaels as someone to confide in and treat as a much needed friend. She sorta plays the straight role while Hoffman hams it up and Garr provides some comedic relief, as well. It's just solid acting from a good actress that will be an Oscar mainstay for awhile but it isn't really supporting. That's really the main gripe for the performance. It definitely wouldn't win Best Actress so this was the only shot Lange had at the win. Coupled with her other nomination, there was no way she was going home empty handed. Lange does a good job at showing a woman wanting to break free and be her own woman and showing her emotional, internal conflicts. She also balances out Hoffman, who is good no doubt, but can also be a bit much at times. Lange brings a stabilizing force to the film and the other characters. She also grounds the film where Hoffman could possibly take into farce territory, Lange makes her character feel real and authentic to women of the time period. So yes, Lange is very good in the role and brings a lot to the performance and film which is why it's easy to see why she won for this.

Glenn Close - The World According to Garp

This is a really strange film. There's a lot of people who find it endearing and quirky and fun but I can understand someone really hating this film, too. For one, it's very sexual, often in frank terms. That can set a lot of people on edge and turn them off to the film as a whole. But two, it's just strange overall. Close plays a woman who raped an anonymous airman because he had a boner and she wanted a child. She had Garp (Robin Williams) and then raises him in a weird moral stance. Doesn't want him wrestling but will go out and buy him a hooker and interview her to make sure she's okay for her son. There's also a lot of people who really love this Close performance. I haven't really thought her last couple nominations were all that worthy because there wasn't much to them. At least I feel like this one is earned with a solid enough performance. Her Jenny is odd as hell, yes, but it's a performance that she actually has something to do. She's motherly in her own strange way and supportive to Garp. She is definitely kooky and that's where the rub lies, can you stand that kind of performance or does it annoy you? I kinda fall in the middle. It's a strange one but it has some heart like the film itself does and can annoy me at times but at others I'm glad to see Close eating up a meaty role. I completely get why it was nominated and I don't mind the nomination at all since the Academy loves to nominate a ton of unworthy performances in this category. I say watch it and judge for yourself whether it appeals to you or not.

Teri Garr - Tootsie

I was reading the Inside Oscar book about this year and they mentioned that Garr was pretty pissed off that Lange was slotted in Supporting, essentially taking away her chance to win anything by siphoning votes from her. Which is something I totally understand from her perspective. Lange is clearly Leading in Tootsie. But that's the Academy for you. Now I'm not so certain it would have mattered for Garr anyway but it's possible if the Academy really loved Tootsie enough. Garr plays Hoffman's roommate and sometimes lover and she brings some comedic relief to the film as well as some female frustration. When reading about her online, the bloggers all go nuts for this performance and claim it's so great and all that but I'm left wondering what they saw. Now, I'm not saying Garr is bad because her performance is enjoyable enough, just not to the level of effusive flowery adjectives describing it. She's truly supporting and charmingly funny in her role. She's this bundle of hyper anxiety with moments of self loathing and self doubt, just super insecure. Garr makes it work and forms it into an actual performance and not just spastic, unconnected acting choices. But still, I don't find it as amazing as the bloggers and don't see it as a winner no matter Lange's involvement in the category. It's a nice little performance that captures what Garr is like and nothing more.

Kim Stanley - Frances

When I think of Kim Stanley, I think of the sci-fi writer Kim Stanley Robinson and I can't really help it. I need to read his Mars Trilogy some day. Anyway, Stanley plays the mother of the eponymous Frances Farmer, a controversial young girl who goes on to be an actress and deal with mental health issues. That's a simplification of the story but what is not is Stanley's impact on the film. The mother is intermittently shown and it involves Stanley yelling at her daughter and being gruff and just being an obnoxious mother and person. Stanley's life never amounted to much so she groomed Frances to be her nest egg, so to speak, and is the impetus of the mental health issues Frances faces throughout her life. Stanley is domineering and she clearly relishes in the infamy of her daughter, maneuvering to send her back to the loony bin when she fears she might lose her control over Frances. The role itself is interesting in seeing how a mother can be such a sycophant with her own daughter and screw her up so bad in the head. It's just that the story kinda lets the role down and Stanley is decent enough but she can't quite overcome the melodramatic nature of the film. There's lots of screaming and yelling and softer emotional moments but it's sort of expected. I felt like Stanley could have stood out more just by playing it slightly differently. I was mostly bored with the film but at least the moments where Lange and Stanley are together have some life to them. I don't want to make it seem like I hate this performance. Stanley is good but I was left wanting for more from her because there was something deeper there. I am intrigued to watch her other Oscar nomination in 1964, though, which is a good thing.

Lesley Ann Warren - Victor/Victoria

This film really surprised me with how much I thoroughly enjoyed it. It sags a bit towards the end but overall is really entertaining and downright hilarious. Part of what makes it so funny is the amazing job that all three nominated actors do with their comedic timing. Their timing is impeccable and Warren is no exception. She plays the nasally blonde moll who is somewhat dumb but a whole lot sexy. The role is a typical one for what it is but Warren goes all in with it and zealously makes the performance work despite it being mostly one note. I can't stress enough, though, how funny, sexy, goofy Warren is and how well the performance and role fit within the film. If everyone else wasn't as talented in their roles, this would probably stick out like a sore thumb but Warren brings the funny just like her co-stars. She's also not used all that much which helps the performance since we don't get annoyed with the character and get her comedy bits drop by drop instead of in a deluge. This is where less is more, Warren is used only when needed. It is one note like I said and isn't exactly pushing any boundaries but sometimes just being good at that one note is enough. She's very funny and attacks the role with a definite vitality that comes across onscreen. This film just really struck a chord in me somewhere because I laughed a lot while watching it and Warren is part of the reason why. Others might find it shrill and annoying and I get that but I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked it. That said, I'm not sure this will be a winner but at least it'll be something I recommend.

Honestly, I was expecting a really bad group and was glad that wasn't the case. Even my bottom two are still okay to watch. Garr is good for what she is and delivers some funny moments and fits well into the film. It was just too slight to leap anyone else on the list. Stanley actually could have been 5th but I feel like there was something a bit deeper in the role that the story just wouldn't let out and Stanley didn't get the chance to show us. It's an interesting role that I would have liked to be expanded. The top 3 is where I'm not too sure of where to place everyone. Lange is a leading role forced into supporting because the Academy wanted her to win and because they also liked her turn in Frances. She's solid enough in the role and is a definite plus to her film. Close gives a sincere performance in a weird as hell film and really takes it to heart and gives us something interesting. Warren is downright hilarious but a little too slight and one note. I think Warren falls in the middle for me just because I wanted a little more of her. But I could easily bump her up tomorrow if you ask me. Lange would be my second because of category fraud (but I know that hasn't stopped me before from making someone a winner or keeping them from the win and will continue to happen as I go back) and because Close gave us something interesting and different and something worthy, for me. I'm fine with the Lange win but if Close would have won, would they both have been continuously nominated in the coming years? Would Lange have won her second Oscar? Lots of questions coming from this year based off who won. Something to think about from a surprising year.

Oscar Winner: Jessica Lange - Tootsie
My Winner:  Glenn Close - The World According to Garp
Jessica Lange
Lesley Ann Warren
Kim Stanley
Teri Garr

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